Tuesday, June 11, 2013

hoilday story brooke 2013

As we pulled up at the zip line I jumped with exsitment because my dad is going to do a zip line.
I asked mum if I could do it she said I might be able to do you want me to ask the man
yes you if you are 30kg you can did it and I was only just able to so I jumped in my harness and I ran up to dad and Aunty Rachel  told them that I can do it with them the lady told us to get into pairs I grabbed dads arm i'm with you.
who wants to go first we do I said ok I am going to clib you on to a rope so that you don't fall of and die and then i am going to count to 3 and then you jump of and you zip down to to the other side then there will be a guy down  the to catch you ok
1 2 3 go ...  zipped down like a rocket dad was going so fast and he way ahead of me on the next zip line you wall be able to see Auckland and the sky tower.

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