Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The mountain looked like it was Vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips on top as the rocks. I had put my sun glass on because it was so sunny. As we drove up the mountain we came to a holt as we reached the car park. We had never had to park so far back before we jumped out of the car. Just then a car pulled up beside us ... it was the Digbys.
I whipped on my ski gear and walked to the rentals. I threw  off my gumboots and I waited for mum. The lady told me to put my gumboots in the big bin. I asked mum for my card and I whizzed off to get my boots. I gave her my card and she gave me some boots. Then I put one on and whizzed to get my skis.
Then some one yelled out my name. It was Mrs Cuming telling me to get my mountain pass on.
After I did that I sped off to get my skis. I jumped in line, gave the lady my card and my boot. She gave me my skis and I grabbed some ski poles.
Off I went...
 I raced down to the learners slope. I skied down to the pommel. When I came back up Mrs Fielder said to go to the chairlift and head up to my lesson. I hopped in line up we went my lesson.

The end

Sunday, September 8, 2013

weekly stroy

Nikki the nick knacker will steel Sarah the strawberry and put chocolate on her and gobble her up the fruit bowl schemed in houer they peed there skins off and they had to go nally the nurse to get there skins back on again after that they had a nice soothing spa to celebrate  her death