Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Milford Sound

Brooke!!! Wake up its 6 o'clock time to get in the car and go I've got some toast ready in the car so just get dressed and lets be on our way.mum but why do we have to leave so early.so we can bet the rush and take our time looking at the outstanding views.first stop As I trudged like a zombie down the pathway still half asleep. I was wondering what was sooo amazing about this walk.and as I lifted up my half closed eyes I saw something truly spectacular so spectacular that I sprung up in the air and within a spilt secound I was at the viewing platform admiring the wonderful view.mirror lakes its called and man it was so much like a mirror that you could see the mountains better in the reflection on the lake.Mum have you taken some photos.
 heck yeah look at how amazing it is wow its like nothing I have ever seen before.LOOK!!! theres a trout yells johnny as I rush over to is whats up and eewww theres an eel too.second stop do not feed the kea why exclaimed johnny because then they will be annoying and always want food ooohhhh tunnel as I look out the window straight in front of me was a giant mountain I got confused how the heck are we going to drive up that mum oh no we are going to go in a tunnel the homer tunnnel driving throw it was dark and glomy water was driping down the side of the tunnel.