Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Introduction !

How often would you try to do some thing and fail, BUT try again?!  Would you try 3 times? What about 10 times?  What about a 100 times?  I BET you wouldn't try 10,000 times!!!  Well, Thomas Edison did ...and it was all to make the light bulb .

I'm going to tell you about him ... his work ethic, his other inventions and the war he had with Mr Westinghouse

The Content ! 

Thomas Alva Edison was born February the 11th 1847.   Thomas was an inventor.   Not only did he invent the long lasting electric light bulb that we all know so well, but he also invented many different things ... the  phonograph also known as a gramophone, the motion picture camera, and I'm sure you all know about the Telgrafo Quadruplex. No?!!  Well let me enlighten you (no pun intended)!  It is a type of electrical telegraph which allows a total of four signals to be transmitted and received on a single wire at the same time.

What I find inspirational about Thomas Edison was how notoriously hard working he was ... he even returned to his laboratory on his wedding day.  He improved on the ideas of others with 10,000 attempts producing the first commercial incandescent light bulb.  A famous quote from Thomas Edison"I haven't failed I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
What if he hadn't tried 10,000 times?
At night it would be dark. We would have to light candles all the time which is a big fire hazard. Cities would be dark meaning more robberies, injuries, the list goes on. Imagine our christmas tree with no lights on it!

Edison was also the first to distribute direct current or DC power to 59 customers in Lower Manhattan.  But Mr Westinghouse starting transmitting alternating current or AC power at the same time   and - "war of the currents"- not the currants you eat but the types of electrical currents -  began.  Unfortunately for Edison AC power was able to deliver higher voltages over thinner cheaper lines and became the preferred option.   Westinghouse went on to become a very big business and in fact we have a Westinghouse fridge and ironically it has a light bulb in it ...amazing Huh  

Conclusion !

So my inspirational person is Thomas Edison from whom I have learnt the importance of hard work and to keep trying ... that failure can be part of achieving success.

As Edison himself said "genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"

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